Aate ka Halwa | Wheat flour Halwa (with gur/jaggery)

Aate ka Halwa or Wheat flour Halwa is a traditional Indian sweet dish which is very energy dense, rich and aromatic. The preparation is simple and quick with minimal ingredients which contributes to it’s likeability. It is enjoyed hot and melts in the mouth with every bite.

It is made frequently in almost all the Indian households, distributed in Gurudwara as ‘Kada Prasad’, distributed in other temples during festivals or special occasions.

Aate ka Halwa | Wheat flour Halwa (with gur/jaggery)

There are only 4 ingredients used in the preparation, all with equal proportions. Ghee is the key ingredient in the dish. You can replace it with any other unsalted butter or coconut oil but it will not give you the same results in terms of the flavor and aroma. The quantity of Ghee can also be reduced as per preference but in general don’t go down too much. Whole Wheat flour or aata is the next ingredient which needs to be roasted in the Ghee on a low to medium heat until it turns slightly darker, becomes frothy and releases roasted or nutty aroma. For sweetness, traditionally white refined sugar is used but I am replacing it with Gur or Jaggery powder as it is much less refined, is high in vitamins and minerals and is a healthier alternative to refined sugar, especially in India.

Enjoy the halwa fresh and hot as the warm ghee will melt it in your mouth but if you would like to savor it later, then you can refrigerate it and reheat in the microwave before serving 😉

Watch recipe here

Yield: 3 servings
Time: 10 min
Calories: 494.5kcal (per serving)

Nutrition (per serving)

Calories: 494.5kcal | Carbohydrates: 47.83g | Protein: 2.27g | Fat: 34.87g | Sugar: 24.05g | Sodium: 81.11mg | Vitamins: A,B,C,D,E | Minerals: Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Manganese


1/2 cup Ghee
1/2 cup Whole Wheat flour
1/2 cup Jaggery Powder
1/2 cup Water
Nuts, to decorate


  1. Heat a pan and add ghee
  2. Once ghee melts, add flour and keep stirring on medium heat until it turns slightly darker color, frothy and release roasted aroma
  3. Add jaggery powder and water
  4. Keep stirring for 1 more minute until the ghee is released and the halwa does not stick to the bottom anymore
  5. Serve and decorate with some available nuts and seeds! 😊
Aate ka Halwa | Wheat flour Halwa (with gur/jaggery)

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