Oatmeal with Apples and Pistachio Butter!!

This Oatmeal with Apples and Pistachio Butter is one of my go to breakfasts whenever I am feeling very hungry in the morning or need very energy dense breakfast due to some upcoming activity like running lots of errands throughout the day or being busy until late afternoon. The combination of apples and pistachio butter is heavenly and is tastier than even apples and peanut butter!! 😛

The combination of rich and creamy hazelnut milk along with the pistachio butter makes the oatmeal very creamy. In addition, whole grain oats and chia seeds, makes it thick and nutrition rich. Adding things like nuts and granola from the top, gives the oatmeal a nice crunch. Adding apples enhances the nutrition profile and makes the dish naturally sweet. Cacao nibs are a contrasting boost of flavor in the oatmeal! 😉

Oatmeal with Apples and Pistachio Butter

Yield: 1 serving
Time: 15 min
Calories: 720.17kcal (per serving)

Nutrition (per serving)

Calories: 720.17kcal | Carbohydrates: 49.57g | Protein: 17.78g | Fat: 56.52g | Sugar: 20.3g | Sodium: 3.73mg | Vitamins: A,B,C,E,K | Minerals: Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Manganese

Watch recipe here


1/2 cup Hazelnut Milk
1 tbsp Oats
1 tsp Chia Seeds
1 tbsp Pistachio Butter
1 medium Apple
1 tbsp Granola
1 tsp Cacao Nibs
1 tbsp Walnuts


  1. Put a pan on low heat and add milk, oats, chia seeds and pistachio butter
  2. Simmer for 5-7 minutes until everything is well combined
  3. Pour the oatmeal in a bowl
  4. Top it up with granola, apples, cacao nibs and walnuts enjoy! 😊
Oatmeal with Apples and Pistachio Butter

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