Chickpea Sandwich

Read below or watch it here!

Chickpeas belong to the legumes family and are a rich source of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals. They are considered very healthy as they aid in digestion, weight management and and helps in reducing risks for various diseases.

Chickpea Sandwiches are a very healthy type of sandwich as it does not need any oil, are rich in fiber and protein and keeps you satiated for very long.

Yield: 2 Sandwiches
Time: 15 min
Calories: 336.4kcal (per sandwich)

Nutrition (per sandwich)

Calories: 336.4kcal | Carbohydrates: 59.75g | Protein: 14.1g | Fat: 6.5g | Sugar: 2g | Sodium: 4.8g | Vitamins: A,B,C,E,K | Minerals: Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Selenium

Chickpea Sandwich


1 cup Chickpeas, boiled
1 tbsp Bell Pepper
1 tbsp Onion
1/2 Lime
1 tbsp Hung Yogurt (alternatively, Greek Yogurt)
1 tsp Salt 
1 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Sriracha (any hot sauce)
1 tbsp Dill leaves

2 Sandwich Bread


  1. Mash the chickpeas roughly in a bowl
  2. Mix all other ingredients except Bread and Lettuce – and the filling is ready
  3. Cut the bread into two
  4. Add the filling and some lettuce
  5. Enjoy the protein packed chickpea sandwich!!

Baked Sweet Potato (with Hummus Dressing)

Read below or watch it here!

Sweet Potato is a root vegetable and a very good source of complex carbohydrates. It can be used in both savory and sweet recipes. It is also packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. Due to the fiber, it helps in promoting gut health and strengthen the immune system. Various research and studies also suggests that it has cancer fighting properties.

Yield: 1 baked sweet potato
Time: 40 min
Calories: 230.62kcal


Calories: 230.62kcal | Carbohydrates: 48.16g | Protein: 6.19g | Fat: 2.18g | Sugar: 0.03g | Sodium: 2.44g | Vitamins: A,B,C,E,K | Minerals: Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Selenium

Baked Sweet Potato


1 Sweet Potato
1 tbsp Hummus
1 Garlic, chopped
2 tbsp Water
1 tbsp Chickpeas, boiled
1 tsp Salt 
1 tsp Pepper
1/4 tsp Cumin Powder
Coriander leaves, to garnish


  1. Wash and dry the sweet potato, make holes using a fork and put in the oven to bake at 200 degrees for around 40min
  2. Meanwhile make hummus using our recipe or use a store bought hummus.
  3. Add chopped garlic, salt, pepper and water in 1 tbsp of hummus to make a dressing
  4. When sweet potato is baked completely, cut it vertically
  5. Pour over chickpeas, salt, cumin, hummus dressing and garnish with coriander leaves
  6. Enjoy guilt-free! šŸ˜‹

Basil Chickpea Hummus (Easy and Healthy)

Read below or watch it here!

What is Hummus?

Hummus is a savory and delicious dip or spread made from chickpeas, tahini, lemon, and garlic. It is commonly consumed in the Middle Eastern Cuisine. It is very creamy, flavorful and packed with healthy vegetarian protein. These days you can find canned versions at the supermarkets everywhere, but why buy it when we can easily make it at home šŸ˜‰ That way it is healthier as well as economical!

Yield: 1 cup Hummus
Time: 10 min
Calories: 479kcal


Calories: 479kcal | Carbohydrates: 48.63g | Protein: 17.58g | Fat: 25.71g | Sugar: 0.03g | Sodium: 2.3g | Vitamins: A,B,C,E,K | Minerals: Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Selenium


1 cup boiled Chickpeas
15-20 Basil Leaves
1 Garlic
1 tbsp Tahini (sesame seed paste)
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 tsp Salt 
1 tsp Pepper
1/2 Lime Juice


  1. Put all the ingredients in a food processor or blender
  2. Mix until creamy
  3. Top it up with more olive oil

Veganism 101 – What, Why and How??

We have all heard about Veganism and how everyone around us is either already following it or trying to transition into it.

But WHAT does it really mean?

VEGANISM is a lifestyle or a way of life that excludes the usage of all animal products. This constitutes:
the FOOD we eat (no meat, dairy, animal fat etc.)
the CLOTHES we wear (no leather, fur etc.)
the MAKEUP we use (no animal fats added)
the COSMETICS we use (no animal proteins added)
the HOUSES we live in (no animal decor like fur rugs)

Basically everything that we do or use in any way must totally be animal products free or animal cruelty free.
Now this might seem as a too intense way of living life to some people but the ones who are really passionate about it, do not hesitate to put in all efforts needed to make sure they are doing no harm to animals.

WHY do people follow Veganism?

We can broadly divide as below the reasons why people want to walk on this path:


To some people it is unacceptable the way that animals are treated these days just to fulfill some of human beings growing demands. They are killed for their meat, tortured or put in pain for their fur/ milk, children separated from their mothers, caged for all their lives and what not. It is unimaginable pain and suffering that a living being with emotions has to go through and some people choose to stand against it strongly by adopting a vegan lifestyle and showing to the world that it is possible to live a comfortable life without animal products.

Various studies have shown that animal farming today is the biggest cause of multiple environmental issues like Global Warming, CO2 and Methane emissions, water scarcity etc. These animals require huge amount of lands to grow until they are ready to be killed, with additional huge amount of lands to grow crops for them to eat. Millions of gallons of water is used to grow those crops and feed the animals. However, after investing so much resources, the final outcome (meat, milk etc) is not worth it as it loses lots of energy in this transition.
I highly recommend watching this series on Netflix, if you are more interested in this topic.


One of the biggest reasons people choose Veganism is its health benefits. Such people apply fundamentals of Veganism only to their diets and not to entire lifestyle. They are mainly concerned about the added health benefits this way of eating food will bring them and the good changes they will get to see in their bodies. However, be aware that NOT EVERY VEGAN FOOD IS HEALTHY. We have to be very well informed about what are good and what are bad foods and have to make conscious choices no matter what way of eating we follow.


Unfortunately, a huge number of people try to follow Veganism as they think it is a new trend or it makes them look cool/ different among others. This is a very dangerous step as these people, very often, are not well informed and take wrong decisions. They end up hurting their health in a bad way. This should be avoided totally.

HOW should I start?

If you relate yourself to one of the first three reasons or are just curious to learn more;


Start to gather more knowledge on this topic. There are various documentaries and resources on internet that support this lifestyle. Watch movies, read books and articles on the subject. Most importantly, LEARN MORE before making an informed conscious decision.


Slowly and gradually, start to incorporate little things. However, remember to not go cold turkey at once as it will be unsustainable in the long run. So for instance, start by taking small steps like buying nut milk instead of regular milk for the first time. Learn different kinds of nut milk available in the market near you. Learn which one is best suited for your needs. Try it out. Start adding it in smoothies, coffee, tea etc and slowly switch entirely to it. Similarly, do the same one by one with all other animal products you use.


Learn to cook dishes without regular animal products. Lets be real, if the food will not be tasty, it will not be sustainable! There are tons of vegan recipe articles and videos on the internet. Try to watch and learn and cook your own perfect dish! Or alternatively, you can order online šŸ˜‰ These days there are tons of vegan restaurants and menu available. Although home cooked food is always a healthier choice!


Join people with similar interests, on Facebook groups or at other social media platforms. There is no bigger support than the support from people going through the same journey as you, facing the same difficulties as you and figuring out their own paths similar to yours.

And in case, you do not feel like becoming a Vegan, then DON’T do it for the wrong reasons. Don’t do it because your friends are doing it. Don’t do it because everyone around you is doing it or asking you to do it. Learn more on this topic. Watch those documentaries. Read those books. And make an informed decision for yourself that suits YOUR lifestyle, YOUR needs and YOUR requirements.

Remember to eat healthy, no matter what diet you follow!! šŸ˜Š

5 most HEALTHY and TASTY Avocado Toasts!!

Watch how to make it here

Avocados are one of the best sources of good fats (which is very essential to fight with bad fats in the body šŸ˜‰).
Avocado toasts are so versatile and easy to make, additionally being super yummy that there is no excuse not to make them!! šŸ˜

Letā€™s make some of these delicious toasts and give ourselves and our bodies a little treat!!

Yield:Ā 5 toasts
Time:Ā 15 min
Calories: 200kcal (per toast)

Nutrition (per toast)

Calories:Ā 200kcalĀ |Ā Carbohydrates:Ā 21.28gĀ |Ā Protein:Ā 8.6gĀ |Ā Fat:Ā 10.89gĀ |Ā Sugar:Ā 2.8g |Ā Sodium:Ā 0.9gĀ |Ā Vitamins: A,C,B6Ā |Ā Minerals:Ā Potassium, Iron, Magnesium


Base Avocado Bean Mash

2 avocados
240g boiled white beans
1 tsp saltĀ 
1 tsp pepper
1 lime juice


5 multigrain toasts
1 tsp chopped yellow bell pepper
1 tsp scallions/ green onion
1 tsp chopped sundried tomatoes
1 tsp pumpkin seeds
1 tsp chopped onion
Ā½ tspĀ chopped garlic
Ā½ tspĀ coriander leaves
1 pinch cumin powder
1 tsp cucumber slices
1 tsp chopped jalapenos
1 pinch smoked paprika/ red chilli powder
1 tbsp pesto sauce
1 tsp chopped black olives


  1. Cut the avocados and scoop out in a big bowl
  2. Add salt, pepper and lime juice
  3. Mash with the help of a fork
  4. Add boiled white beans and mix. Our base mash is ready!
  5. On a multigrain toast, spread thick layer of the mix and add veggies of choice:
    • yellow bell peppers and scallions
    • sundried tomatoes and pumpkin seeds
    • onion, garlic, coriander, cumin powder
    • cucumber, jalapenos, smoked paprika
    • pesto sauce, olives
  6. Enjoy!

EASIEST and HEALTHIEST Strawberry Muesli Bowl!! Breakfast/ Snack Ideas in minutes!!

Watch how to make it here

Muesli Bowls are one of the best breakfast or snack options and one of my favorites! They are super delicious and full of good nutrition. And the best thing about them is that they are so versatile. You have so many options and varieties that you can be sure you will never get bored of them šŸ˜‰

Today I am sharing the recipe that I often make myself.

Yield:Ā 1 cup
Time:Ā 2 min
Calories: 194kcal


Calories: 194kcal | Carbohydrates: 21.5g | Protein: 3.5g | Fat: 8.53g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A | Vitamin C | Calcium | Iron


3 tbsp yogurt
2 tbsp old-fashioned rolled oats
1 tbsp raw cashews 
1 tbsp raw pecans
7-8 chopped strawberries
Ā½ tsp chia seeds
1 tsp honey


  1. Place a pan on the stove and add oats, cashews, pecans and saute for a minute. 
  2. To a bowl, add the yogurt, warm muesli mix, strawberries, chia seeds, honey.
  3. Enjoy as a breakfast or a snack.