Thandai [Vegan, Aromatic, Healthy drink]

THANDAI🍹😍is an immunity booster Indian cold drink. It is a great choice for upcoming spring season as all the ingredients that we use in Thandai have a very cooling effect on our bodies as we soak them in water before blending them together. Hence, it is cherished especially during March in India, as it marks the start of spring season and the rising temperature increases the demand for refreshing, flavorful and aromatic drinks ❤️

Vegan Thandai

When we buy readymade Thandai from the market, it is usually largely sugar syrup to increase its shelf life. So it is a smart choice to make it at home instead, for reaping all the health benefits as much as possible. All the ingredients that go in Thandai are packed with protein, healthy fats and much essential vitamins and minerals. And the star ingredient in my opinion is Saffron. It gives it such a beautiful color, flavor and aroma that it is almost irreplaceable 😋 It is one of the main drinks enjoyed during the festival of Holi!!

Yield: 2 servings
Time: 10 min
Calories: 131.67kcal (per serving)

Watch recipe here

Nutrition (per serving)

Calories: 131.67kcal | Carbohydrates: 21.44g | Protein: 2.9g | Fat: 5.15g | Sugar: 15.53g | Sodium: 7.87mg | Vitamins: A,B,C,D,E,K | Minerals: Potassium, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Manganese


300ml Almond Milk
2tsp Almonds
1tsp Pumpkin Seeds
1tsp Poppy Seeds
1tsp Black Pepper
1/2tsp Fennel Seeds
5-6 Dates
A pinch Saffron
1tsp Cardamom


  1. In a bowl, add all ingredients except milk
  2. Add water just enough to cover the ingredients
  3. Let them soak for overnight, or at least 2-3 hours
  4. Put the mixture in a blender and blend until smooth paste
  5. Add milk and blend again
  6. Refrigerate to chill before serving
  7. Transfer to glasses and enjoy! 
Vegan Thandai